Mustard Greens, Oaky Frilly Variegated


Leaves are lobed like oak leaves, and can have frilly edges.

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SKU: MUST-OAKY Category: Tag:


(Brassica juncea) Green and purple variegated foliage has wasabi-like spiciness. Leaves are lobed like oak leaves, and can have frilly edges. We don’t remember where we acquired this variety originally. Good raw or steamed. Don’t overcook. Flavor intensifies when plants bolt and blossom. Flowers are also edible.

Planting instructions: Direct sow in early Spring for Spring/Summer harvest or in late Summer for Autumn/Winter/Spring harvest. Does not do well in hot weather. Requires protection to over-winter in harsher climes. Regular garden soil will suffice, but the richer it is, the bigger the leaves will be. Regular irrigation.

At least 50 seeds per packet